Catching up - 2020 / by Christopher Ferreria

The year 2020 so far, to put it mildly, has sucked. Living one’s life, work and play, personal connections are now matters of personal health and safety. I had grand visions to make new work, but that is on hold for now…or, instead, I’m redirecting energies to new things, revisiting older works and rethinking them, and finding solutions to current works that don’t require methods that would put me (and others) in any danger.

However, not all is lost…

Since February, I’ve had the great fortune and honor of showing work at PH21 Gallery in Budapest, Hungary, in a number of their exhibitions: Feminine/Masculine, CorpoRealities, Portraits Without Faces, and now in the newly opened show, Photographic Visions 2020.

A huge thank you to Zsolt Bátori for his support of my work, Anita Spingár-Westerlund for her patience, and the rest of the PH21 team for their hard work. Congratulations to my fellow artists with whom I’ve had the pleasure of sharing work at the gallery and online.

Promo image for Feminine/Masculine (February 13 - March 7, 2020) - Images are copyrighted by the respective artists and courtesy of PH21 Gallery.

Promo image for Feminine/Masculine (February 13 - March 7, 2020) - Images are copyrighted by the respective artists and courtesy of PH21 Gallery.

Promo image for CorpoRealities (March 12 - April 4, 2020) - Images are copyrighted by the respective artists and courtesy of PH21 Gallery.

Promo image for CorpoRealities (March 12 - April 4, 2020) - Images are copyrighted by the respective artists and courtesy of PH21 Gallery.

Myoho (I), 2016 — Selected for inclusion in the Portraits Without Faces exhibit (July 2 - 25, 2020).

Myoho (I), 2016 — Selected for inclusion in the Portraits Without Faces exhibit (July 2 - 25, 2020).